Tuesday, November 21, 2006

pentru ca she deserves it

articol formal cu subiect dat la cursul de engleza (25 years for a man who shot his lover):

Passional murder in the bedroom

The policemen of the 17th precinct were shocked today when a man with bloody hands calmly entered the precinct.After they imediatly arrested him, the man confessed the whole event to the authorities.Arriving home from work, he discovers his lover in bed with another man, his best friend.He said that he went instantly insane because they were to be married soon and he was very happy about it.Without any rational thoughts, he took his high caliber hunting rifle and blew her brains out and then he actually tried to strangle her.His best friend witnessed the horrorfing scene and after the killer left the rifle down, he tried to bring him to reason.They sat and drank a few beers and the killer was convinced that he should surrender to the police before it gets any worse.The man was sentenced to 25 years without parol in a maximum security prison.

National Press

morala: mereu femeile sunt vinovate, best friends matter.
very misogin. yes yes, i know.

1 comentarii:

muffin said...

ce imi plac astia care agreseaza persoane deja decedate. si femeile nu sunt vinovate de nimic, poate aia cauta ce nu gasea acasa